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The Storytellers Sampler Quilt - the Joy of Fussycutting

The story so far...
  • Local quilter Cinzia White publishes an amazing book, The Storytellers Sampler Quilt.
  • Eppiflex templates launches a Block of The Month called Telling Tales, featuring 60 upsized blocks from the book and I start sewing up blocks.
  • Cinzia asks me to contribute to her quiltalong using blocks from the aforementioned book.
  • I fall down the rabbithole of fussycutting.

But let's talk about what this is really about...

Addicted to sewing...addicted to fabric...addicted to starting new projects... and now addicted to fussycutting. 

So what's the hype about fussycutting? 

If you are already a creative soul and enjoying making pretty blocks by joining shapes together, fussy cutting is some next level crafty action.

Do you remember those kaliedoscope toys we had as kids. I have no idea how they worked, they were just MAGIC. Who could get bored with the amazing patterns they made as you twisted and turned them. I was fascinated with them.

"No you cant have a go yet, Im not finished" - I wasnt a good sharer being the youngest and most spoilt of my siblings. Ask my sister, she will back me up. 

So fussycutting a beautiful fabric into an even more beautiful fabric block is a bit like making magic for me.

Mirrors? Yeah nah.
I know some people swear by them, but I don't want to know what it's going to look like. Why spoil the magic? That's like someone showing you a picture of the next kaliedoscope before you can twist the tube. Just let the magic happen. Embrace the unknown a little. 

Waste of fabric? 
This is what Cinzia says to me... but let's be honest we all have enough fabric to be a bit less frugal with it.
I think quilters are the quintessential horders. Why else would we have so many memes about collecting fabric. Even the term stash says it all. 

In fact in the current economic climate of a massive downturn in retail spending I think we all have a responsibilty to fussy cut more and support the shops before they disappear altogether. 

So my little contribution to Cinzia's Quiltalong is "Blackberry Freedom" and it is English paper pieced.
Thanks Cinzia for asking me to join in and for writing such a sensational book.

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